Blog for Moms

  • Helpful trends for mothers in the workplace
    Being a mother, and keeping track of a meaningful career is a challenge, yet some of the trends for working mothers in the post-covid workplace make it a little easier. A lot has changed and due to a need to survive the pandemic, companies adopted new technologies and ways of working quite quickly...
  • Language tips for a successful job application
    First impressions are made in less than twenty seconds of meeting. If this is the case when meeting a potential employer in person, then it also applies to your written words in a successful job application. Ensuring that your written and spoken language is up to scratch is essential to prove you’...
  • 7 Productivity tips to improve your work-life integration
    Productivity in the workplace is a universal desire for both employees and employers. Being productive keeps us driven to achieve all that we need to in the workplace. How do you stay productive when your work-life has changed so much due to flexibility, hybrid workplaces and remote work...
  • Power words that work in a cover letter
    Often people underestimate the importance of a cover letter in the job application process. Writing a well thought through motivational or cover letter is a challenging task. The use of power words can help you secure your spot in the runnings. A motivational letter is important for a couple of...
  • Tips on how to stay safe online
    With the rise of the platform economy worldwide, where a growing number of businesses are operating on online platforms, it creates both opportunities and threats in our daily lives. Online platforms make it possible for us to skip bank queues, get groceries delivered to our doorstep and apply for...
  • Women in the workplace: how to dress for success
    Women in the workplace need to look good and feel confident from the inside out, but also from the outside in. You might have heard the saying, “the right clothes can transform your mood and confidence” and it’s true. When you look great, you automatically feel amazing too. Find out how to dress...
  • How to be a money wise woman
    We had the privilege of hearing from a Chartered Financial Analyst, Linda Eedes who has a passion for empowering women in their financial journey. In this Q&A, Linda shares some empowering insights with us and we’d love to share them with you.  1. Why is it so important for women to know their...
  • 5 tips to stay in touch with the world of work
    Staying current with regards to market trends, industry knowledge and new skills is vital for the world of work, to secure your job or to re-enter the marketplace. Being an intentional learner in your field can also help to advance your career and earning potential. The enormous lifestyle...
  • Why and how is financial independence attainable for all women
    Article written by Kash Parker: Financial Fitness for Women Women often ask me what it means to be financially independent and how to get there.  To me, financial independence means the following three things:  Choice, which equals freedom. Being able to protect yourself. The ability to make...
  • Things we love about being a South African supermom
    They say it takes a village to raise a child, well, in this case it’s taking a village to write this article on what we love about being a South African supermom. At RecruitMyMom, we love a #FeelGood story and to throw a light, fun piece of literature into our blog every now and again.  Our team...