We recognise women have different career needs at different life stages. We respect your need to integrate work & life.

We place [[skilled women]]

Permanent And Fixed Duration Contract Jobs - Full time, or part time. In office, hybrid or remote.

Independent Contracts - We facilitate the relationship between employers and independent contractors

Virtual Assistant Jobs - Remote working jobs for assistants and administrators

Services for Job Seekers

RecruitMyMom collaborates with trusted partners to provide job seekers with world class support on their career journey.

One-on-one career coaching

Support for
Working Moms

Book your session with a RecruitMyMom-approved career coach.

Learn More

CV Interview Workshop

Job Seeker Coaching

Find professional coaches to help you on your job search journey.

Learn More

Back to work

Back To Work

Supporting women on their path to career success.

Learn More

Why [[sign up]] to RecruitMyMom?

  • We understand your need for work-life integration and flexibility. 
  • It's free. 
  • Receive email notification of jobs that match your skills.
  • Receive inspiring newsletters.
  • Join our social community on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
    • Be part of a movement of change in the way we work.
    • We only advertise vetted, meaningful job opportunities.
    • Deal with professional recruiters – we are not a job board. 
    • Receive member offers exclusive to RecruitMyMom

    Do you meet our requirements?

    You are a Mom
    (or stay at home Dad)
    You have a minimum of two years working experience.
    You are committed to professionalism and delivering excellence.
    You have completed a minimum of Grade 12, College Diploma or University Degree
    You have succeeded in your place of work and gained skills that you can offer to other employers.
    You are dependable, honest and reliable, meet deadlines and deliver your best.

    If you have any questions please go to the FAQ page.