FAQ's - General

How does RecruitMyMom work?

RecruitMyMom serves a number of employers and job seekers. We offer high calibre jobs for job seekers in many different fields. For employers, we provide the opportunity to list various jobs and find top quality candidates to match. 

There is a process for each:


Employers post a job on the site via the Employer’s Page. Job posting and registration is free. 

A recruitment manager will be in contact via telephone or email to discuss the job. This person will be your primary contact throughout the employment process. 

The job is reviewed to make sure it fits with the requirements of our site, namely the work can be completed in part-time or flexible hours or if it is full-time employment that it has flexible working conditions. Once approved, the job is published in the "Current Jobs" page.  Jobs are marketed via email and posted to social media for the RecruitMyMom database. 

Candidates apply for the job via the RecruitMyMom website.

For fast-turnaround Virtual Assist positions, our recruiters will select the candidate based on the previous positive experience of having worked with them in the past. 

A full table of services per job type can be viewed under Section 2  here >> 

Fees are paid upon successful employment of one of our candidates. Fees can be viewed under section 3 here >> 

Job Seekers:

Job seekers can join RecruitMyMom for free as a Job Seeker. You can register to gain access to your personal candidate portal where you can upload your CV, add your skills and other necessary information. Read our blog on how to optimise your profile for the best experience with your job applications. 

Tip: Add the address info@recruitmymom.co.za to your email contact list so that our emails do not end up in your spam or promotions folders.

Once you have signed in, make sure you complete the online RecruitMyMom profile via the candidate portal in order to be able to apply for jobs. You can also upload a Word version of your CV and the system will parse your information into your candidate portal. This online CV is what we send to potential employers when a job seeker applies for a position advertised on the website. You can view your uploaded CV in your candidate profile by clicking on ‘Resume’ at the top.

Our recruiters sift through the applications and short-list the CV's based on best fit with the job specification. 

The Recruiter will be in contact if the employer has requested an interview with you. 

If your application was not successful, you will receive an email once the position has been filled and the job has been closed by the employer. It will then also be removed from our website. 

We advertise Permanent and Fixed duration roles where the candidate is employed directly by the employer.

We also advertise Independent Contracting roles where RecruitMyMom collects the amount due from clients plus our fee and pays the contractors who invoice RecruitMyMom for services rendered to our clients. As a consultant, you can be appointed to work on several clients at once depending on your availability. 



Registering a job-seeker profile on RecruitMyMom is easy; however, it requires time to get your job-seeker profile 100% complete. 

Note: If you own an Apple device and have trouble registering because of a cookie issue, read this FAQ for assistance. 

How to register as a job-seeker on RecruitMyMom: 

Go to the RecruitMyMom HOME page.


Upload a Word format CV and allow the system to parse the information into the required empty fields.

Or complete the fields manually. 

Check that all the information in the fields is 100% correct. 

These completed fields form the basis of your job-seeker profile on RecruitMyMom.

From the fields you have completed on your job-seeker profile, we create a RecruitMyMom branded online CV, which we submit to our clients. 

Once you have completed the fields, please fill in the security Captcha. 

Select YES to communication to get immediate notification of new jobs we publish on the site. 

Select REGISTER to complete the process. 

Go to your email and click on the link emailed to you. 

If you do not get an email, check your SPAM account.

Tips for an excellent 100% job seeker profile: 

  1. Complete every field correctly.
  2. Check that the parser has completed the fields correctly if using the CV assistance parsing tool.
  3. Complete the skills section with your level of experience.
  4. Ensure that all fields are completed, not just compulsory ones. 
  5. The more comprehensive your completion, the better your RecruitMyMom formatted online CV will be. 

Why don't we submit your original CV and require you to complete these fields accurately? 

It is because RecruitMyMom is a recruitment company and not a job platform. We submit our candidates to clients on formatted RecruitMyMom branded CVs, which are created from the fields you complete. 



How do I apply for a job listed on RecruitMyMom?

If you have already registered and entered your details on our candidate portal, you can sign in and then apply for a job via the RecruitMyMom Current Jobs page. 

Go to our current jobs page, click on the job to open up more detail. 

On the detailed job page, click ‘Apply’. Then, if you are not a registered candidate on RecruitMyMom you’ll reach a page requesting personal information. This will auto populate the personal information section.  View a short video tutorial.

Tip: Make sure all your information is filled in correctly, and make sure you’ve uploaded your Word CV to the ‘Resume’ section. Filling in your skills is how we find you for jobs that match your experience and skills. 



 RecruitMyMom assists clients in hiring virtual assistants for various skill sets. This is how you become a virtual assistant on RecruitMyMom. 

How do I become a Virtual Assistant? 

RecruitMyMom places Virtual Assistants (VA) and remote workers at work. Companies hire Virtual Assistants using our personalised service offerings. 

Where do virtual assistants work? 

By the nature of being virtual, Virtual Assistants work from remote locations, often home offices. 

Virtual Assistants can be skilled in skills such as :

Personal Assistants


Social Media

Content writing

Marketing strategy



Any back office function of any sort

Customer care agents. 

Many clients, both locally and internationally, approach RecruitMyMom for Virtual Assistants. These jobs are advertised on our jobs page. They can be permanent or contractual jobs. Clients often request independent contracting virtual assistants.

If you work as an independent contractor for RecruitMyMom, and you perform well, we will continue to use you for other clients. 

Be sure to add your area of skill (Personal Assistant, administration, bookkeeping, digital marketing, project management) as well as "Virtual Assistant" under your "Skill Set" on your candidate profile.


Office requirements for a Virtual Assistant: 

A fully-fledged home office that is private and has fast fibre installed. Cellular and ADSL connections are often not stable enough to sustain a remote working job from home. 


Does RecruitMyMom vet their virtual assistants?

Yes, we do. We do a full interview, background check and, where needed, a skills test. 

Our VAs mostly work on multiple clients over time, so we get to know who the best VAs are for what job.

Who pays a virtual assistant?

RecruitMyMom has a large client base. We work with clients to find the best Virtual Assistant solution to meet their business needs. You can be employed as a permanent employee or as an independent contractor.

As an independent contractor, you will need to time measure your output, complete our timesheet and return this to RecruitMyMom. This can be done either at the end of a contract or at the end of a week/month. RecruitMyMom submits the timesheet for approval from the client. If there is no dispute, RecruitMyMom raises the invoice and pays you for the work completed.

What happens if there is a dispute?

RecruitMyMom will mediate as best as possible between the two parties. Most of the time, the dispute is resolved. If not, a compromise is reached.



How do I work as an Independent Contractor for RecruitMyMom? 

We contract your services and skills on behalf of our clients. We set up all the contractual agreements and collect the money due to you after receiving a completed and authorised timesheet for services rendered. As a RecruitMyMom independent contractor, your agreed rate is adjusted upwards to include our service fee to the client. 

Independent contractors may not negotiate their own rates, bill our clients directly or offer any other products and services to clients of RecruitMyMom. If a client is introduced via RecruitMyMom, the client remains a client of RecruitMyMom for two years and not the independent contractor. 

Contractor rates need to be reasonable and take into consideration the fact that we adjust the rate upwards to include an agency fee.

Read our full Terms and Conditions for more detail. 



Can I do more than one contracting job through RecruitMyMom? 

Yes, we have several Independent Contractors that RecruitMyMom appoints for more than one contracting or freelancing role at a time. The beauty of contracting independently for RecruitMyMom is that we collect the money from the client for the work that you as a  contractor does, and then pay you the contractor. 

You might find this blog interesting: Things to consider when taking an independent contract job



Who pays me for jobs I get via RecruitMyMom?

The employer will provide you with a Labour Relations Act of South Africa-compliant employment contract for permanent and fixed-duration jobs. Do not start working without a signed contract in place. The employer will pay your salary as an employee of the company. 

For independent contracting jobs such as freelancers and consultants, RecruitMyMom bills the client, including our fee, and follows up on receiving payment. RecruitMyMom pays all Independent Contractors by the end of the month, provided the money has cleared in the RecruitMyMom bank account. 

The advantage of being a RecruitMyMom independent contractor is that we build a trusting relationship with you and will continue to use your skills for several clients over the years. In addition, you do not have to follow up on the payment for work done; we do that on your behalf. 



What is a fixed-term contract, and when can a fixed-term contract be extended? 

What is a fixed-term or fixed-duration contract?

Section 198B(1) of the Labour Relations Act (LRA) defines a fixed-term contract as a contract of employment that terminates on:

·         the occurrence of a specific event;

·         the completion of a specified task or project;

·         a fixed date other than an employee’s normal or agreed retirement age.

·         The nature of the work is of limited or definite duration. (Example of this is when the person is employed to complete a specific task like, for example, a building which may take longer than three months to complete (section 198B(3)(a)).

Does it make sense to appoint someone on a three-month fixed term contract or appoint them permanently with a three-month probation clause?

A fixed-term contract cannot be terminated before the end date unless a complete disciplinary process is followed and misconduct proved or a termination clause allows for termination. For this reason, it is not recommended that a fixed-term contract be used to circumvent the labour law requirements of following due process to discipline and terminate the employment of an employee. 

Can you extend a fixed-term contract in South Africa?

You may only extend the duration of a fixed-term contract if there is a justifiable reason for extending the employment of employees beyond three months. The conditions of an extension beyond three months are laid out below. If these conditions are not met, an employee is deemed permanently employed by the employer. 

Can a fixed-term or fixed-duration contract be terminated?

A fixed-term contract cannot be terminated before the end unless there is a termination clause and the correct disciplinary and training processes have been followed as laid out in the LRA. 

The protections  on fixed-term contracts do not apply to:

•    Employees who earn R224080,30 per year (R18673 per month) with effect from 1 March 2022

•    Employers who have fewer than ten employees; or

•    Employers with fewer than 50 employees who have been in business for fewer than two years unless the employer has more than one business or the business was formed from other existing businesses.

If the employee is protected and the employer has more than ten employees or has been in business for more than two years or has more than one business, the duration of fixed-term contracts is limited to three months.

You may only extend the duration of a fixed-term contract if there is a justifiable reason for extending the employment of these employees after three months. Examples of justifiable reasons to extend the duration of the contract:

·      is replacing another temporarily absent employee;

·      is employed due to a temporary increase in work which is not expected to endure beyond 12 months;

·      is a student or recent graduate employed for the purpose of being trained or to gain work experience to enter a job or profession;

·      is employed to work exclusively on a specific project of limited or defined duration.

·      is a non-citizen granted a work permit for a defined period;

·      is employed to perform seasonal work;

·      is employed on an official public works scheme or similar job creation scheme;

·      is employed in a position funded by an external source for a limited period;

·      has reached the normal or agreed to retirement age in that business.

If any of the above is present, a fixed-term contract may be extended past three months.


  1. Are we dealing with a protected employee:  R224080,30 p.a?
  2. Are we dealing with a protected employer? Fewer than ten employees or fewer than 50 employees who have been trading for less than 2 years? Or the employer has more than one business.
  3. If No, limited duration of the fixed term to 3 months
  4. If Yes, then protections do not apply.

How do I get tailored job alert emails?

To receive tailored job alerts, follow these 3 quick steps:

Tick the box 'I would like to receive communication and job alerts' under the 'Details' section on your candidate profile.

Check that all the details on your profile are 100% correct.

Add all relevant skills under the 'Skills' section on your candidate profile.


RecruitMyMom is all about assisting skilled Moms in finding meaningful work with employers who respect that they are mothers. All our marketing communication is geared towards working Moms. We do understand that there are stay-at-home Dads too, and we do assist stay-at-home Dads looking for work. We place full-time and part-time,  office and remote jobs. 

Why moms? Working mothers have historically been marginalised in the economy. Being a working mom is difficult when juggling family and home. Yet, despite this juggling, moms make excellent employees to employers who respect them as mothers. This includes offering a level of flexibility in the way they work. RecruitMyMom is created to showcase the talent of working moms and the benefits of hiring from this skilled sector of society. 



We regularly communicate new jobs to our talent base of job-seekers through various channels. 

Finding a perfect job through RecruitMyMom is easy.

Register your job-seeker profile on RecruitMyMom. Correctly complete 100% of all the fields on your job-seeker profile. 

Select 'Yes' to receive communication from us so we can email you job alerts and newsletters. 

Follow us on social media for daily new job alerts. 




Need help registering? See our FAQ on how to register. 




Will I be contacted for a job interview after I've applied?


If you are shortlisted for a role you will be contacted by a recruitment manager and an interview will be scheduled.

If however, your application is unsuccessful, you will be notified via email once the position has been filled and the job has been closed.


All the jobs that are advertised on our website are currently available. They are unpublished from our website once filled, lost, or withdrawn. 


How do I know if you have received my job application?

You are able to check whether or not your application has been received by signing in to your candidate portal.

Once you are in your profile click 'Jobs' on the right-hand-side and then 'Applications'. Your job applications will be listed there.


Can you keep my CV on file and let me know if any jobs become available?

We keep your CV on a candidate portal you create and complete on our website. You will be sent job alerts that match your CV, profile and the skills that you select in the 'skills' section. The best way to find out about jobs on our site is to say 'yes' to communication from us on your profile so that we can email you. Alternatively, keep on checking the Current Jobs page on our website, and sign up to our social media channels for newly available jobs. You can then immediately apply using the easy apply function for interesting jobs. 


How do I tailor my cover letter when I apply for a job on the RecruitMyMom website?

Sign in and click "Apply" for the job you are interested in. 

Our software will auto-populate your application from the attached CV and the completed fields in your Candidate Portal. 

Tip: It is a good idea to ensure that you have filled in all fields, even non-compulsory fields, on your Candidate Portal profile. 

Delete all older cover letters attached and attach a new cover letter tailored to the job for which you are applying. Use the job title and number as you see it on the job specification when saving the document. The following example is how to name the cover letter document before attaching it.

For example: "Job Title, Job #4567 Cover Letter"



What does 'flexible work' mean in an employment context? We break it up into two categories, namely, ‘hours of work’ and ‘place of work’

Flexible work hours can be full-time, part-time, or project-based. Place of work can be remote, hybrid or in-office. Flexibility is whether or not you need to operate within the traditional 8-5 in the office or if there’s some room due to various circumstances. 

For example, as a working mom, you could have a full-time, remote role where you have flexible start and finish times or a part-time, hybrid job where you only work mornings and need to be in the office for three days a week.  

With flexibility generally comes a set of core working hours where the employee could either have a flexible schedule for the start and end times that they work, or their work time is entirely up to them as long as top-quality work is delivered on deadline.

Flexibility terms are agreed upon during a contract signing phase of employment. 

You might find this blog interesting: Five company benefits to employing remote workers

Here are some more specific questions and answers on flexibility at work:

Define Flexible working and what it means. 

Flexible work or flexi work is when a worker is not required to work a standard 8am to 5pm day in the office.  The employee can work hours before, during or after this time frame to complete the required work.

Must a certain amount of hours be completed?

It depends. If the employer expects daily, weekly or monthly hours to be filled then this is agreed up front with the employee. If it is an outcomes based assignment, then the hours may be variable and the job complete when the deliverables on the assignment completed.

Is Flexible work always office-based?

No, some work can be done from a remote location such as a home office. If you as an employer are looking to retain and hire skilled Moms, then a flexible working arrangement might work well for the employee and the business.

Does starting early or ending late constitute flexible working?

Yes. Most Moms, however, would prefer a reduced-hour day or the flexibility to complete specific hours/tasks from home.

Why do people choose flexible work?

Employees can adjust their work schedules to accommodate hobbies, family responsibilities and other personal tasks that need to be undertaken.  It saves travelling time if it can be done outside of peak traffic congestion.

What are the advantages of flexible working for employees?

An enabling of work and family life integration, more productive, less time spent in the traffic.

What are the advantages for employers?

Higher staff loyalty, higher levels of motivation, less absenteeism, more productivity, less overtime, lower running costs of office space etc.

Are certain people exempt from participating in flexible work?

It depends on the employer, but flexible working is becoming far more acceptable as technology assists employees in working remotely.

Does South Africa have legislation on flexible hours?

No. The Labour Relations Act does not single out flexible workers. However, a person who works for one employer for more than 24 hours per month is covered by the Act, and this excludes independent contractors. 


Why does RecruitMyMom not accept written employment references? 

Due to the number of fraudulent written employment references submitted, we no longer accept written references. If, however, you get invited to an interview and would like to submit a written reference, this can be emailed to your recruiter with the contact details of the referee. If the referee can not be contacted, the reference will not be submitted to a client. 


I am not a citizen of South Africa, can I apply for a job on the RecruitMyMom website?

Unfortunately, we can only assist non-South African citizens looking for employment in SA should they have the necessary permits (e.g. Critical Skills Work Visa) in place.


If I no longer live in SA, am I able to apply for jobs advertised on the RecruitMyMom website? 

All South African citizens living abroad with a South African bank account can register on the website and apply for remote jobs. 



Absolutely yes, some of our most talented Moms work remotely. We work actively to attract suitable jobs from across SA and internationally.

We place in-office jobs across South Africa including Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban, Port Elizabeth, East London and other smaller towns.

RecruitMyMom sources remote jobs for South African moms in the United Kingdom and Ireland among other countries. 


If I want to move to a specific city and apply for jobs, should I put the city I live in or the city to which I want to move? 


You should put the city to which you are relocating on your candidate profile to get job alerts for the opportunities in your desired location.


What is Parental Leave in South Africa?

As of 1st January 2020 the new parental leave has replaced the three days paid family responsibility leave when a child is born or adopted.

Parental leave is 10 consecutive days: An employee who is a parent of a child will be entitled to 10 consecutive days’ parental leave. These are calendar days, not working days. 

Parental leave is unpaid, however, employees that take this leave may claim benefits from the Unemployment Insurance Fund if they have been employed for longer than 13 weeks. 



Family responsibility leave is governed by the Basic Conditions of Employment Act. 

This leave applies to an employee—

  • (a)  who has been in employment with an employer for longer than four months; and
  • (b)  who works for at least four days a week for that employer.

An employer must grant an employee, during each annual leave cycle, at the request of the employee, three days’ paid leave, which the employee is entitled to take—

  • (a)  when the employee’s child is born;
  • (b)  when the employee’s child is sick; or
  • (c) in the event of the death of—
    • the employee’s spouse or life partner; or
    • the employee’s parent, adoptive parent, grandparent, child, adopted child, grandchild or sibling.

Read more about family responsibility leave on our blog.


What does the labour law say about fixed 3 month contracts?

Section 198B(1) defines a fixed term contract as a contract of employment that terminates on:

·         the occurrence of a specific event;

·         the completion of a specified task or project;

·         a fixed date other than an employee’s normal or agreed retirement age.

·         The nature of the work is of a limited or definite duration. (Examples of this is where the person is employed to complete a specific task, for example, a building which may take longer than three months to complete (section 198B(3)(a)).


The protections  on fixed term contracts do not apply to:

•    Employees who earn R205 433,30 per annum

•    Employers who have fewer than 10 employees; or

•    Employers who have fewer than 50 employees and who have been in business for fewer than two years unless the employer has more than one business or the business was formed from other existing businesses.

If the employee is protected and the employer has more than 10 employees or has been in business for more than 2 years or has more than 1 business, the duration of fixed term contracts is limited to three months.

You may only extend the duration of a fixed term contract, if there is a justifiable reason for extending the employment of these employees  after three months. Examples of justifiable reasons to extend the duration of the contract:


·      is replacing another temporarily absent employee;

·      is employed due to a temporary increase in work which is not expected to endure beyond 12 months;

·      is a student or recent graduate employed for the purpose of being trained or to gain work experience to enter a job or profession;

·      is employed to work exclusively on a specific project of limited or defined duration.

·      is a non-citizen granted a work permit for a defined period;

·      is employed to perform seasonal work;

·      is employed on an official public works scheme or similar job creation scheme;

·      is employed in a position funded by an external source for a limited period;

·      has reached the normal or agreed retire age in that business.


If any of the above is present, a fixed term contract may be extended past 3 months.


  1. Are we dealing with a protected employee:  R205 433.30 p.a?
  2. Are we dealing with protected employer? Fewer than 10 employees or fewer than 50 employees who has been trading less than 2 years? Or the employer has more than one business.
  3. If No, limited duration of fixed term to 3 months
  4. If Yes, then protections do not apply.

When using an Apple device, the cookies can be a problem when registering a job seeker profile or logging in. 

Users of Apple devices frequently encounter issues where Cookies prohibit job seekers from logging in.

Here is the fix:

Go to Settings > Safari > Disable ‘Prevent cross-site tracking’ and disable ‘Block all cookies’

Close the RecruitMyMom site and then reopen it. You can now register, and the cookie problem should be resolved. 

Contact us if you still have a problem - we are happy to assist. 


How do I retrieve a forgotten password?

Click on ‘Candidate Log In’, then ‘Pre 2022 account holder password reset’. On the sign in page, click on ‘Forgot Password’ and follow the prompts.

You will receive an activation link to reset your password. Once reset you can log-in and view your candidate portal details as well as apply for jobs.



I logged in before but the system isn’t accepting my password anymore

During December 2021, we upgraded our software to a new, improved Candidate Portal system. Reset your password by following these steps:

Step 1: Go to www.recruitmymom.co.za. 

Step 2: Click on 'Job-Seeker Sign In', then select ‘Pre 2022 account holder - password reset’.  

Step 3: Follow the instructions to reset your password and then try to sign in again.



How do I cancel my account?

Once you have created an account on RecruitMyMom you can cancel it at any time by logging in and selecting "Cancel Account," or you can request an account cancellation through the "Contact Us" page. 


When a jobs removed from the RecruitMyMom website?

Jobs are removed as soon as we fill the position or an employer informs us that the job has either been filled or has been put on hold. 


Are there job seeker fees on RecruitMyMom?

There are NO FEES for job-seekers on RecruitMyMom.

It is against the law in South Africa to ask any job seeker for fees. As a job seeker, you should never pay money to a recruiter for registration. 



Can I join RecruitMyMom without a formal qualification? 

The joining criteria set out for RecruitMyMom are to ensure that we can confidently advertise to employers that our registered Moms are experienced, skilled and professional. 

If you have succeeded in your field of expertise and can demonstrate your experience on your CV and through your skills then we will gladly accept your application. 



Candidates may be asked to complete a consent form for background checks and to furnish us with referee details for reference checks.

It is a standard recruitment protocol to conduct reference checks to corroborate the information provided in your CV with the people that you reported to directly. Potential employers may also request that certain background checks, such as criminal, credit or qualification verification checks are conducted for various reasons.  One of these reasons could be that the role requires government security clearances, another could be that the company's hiring policy dictates a clear credit and criminal record for certain roles. Many financial roles today require a credit check. 





RecruitMyMom calls and personally engages with every employer that posts jobs on our website. We do this to ensure that every job is legitimate and worthwhile being on our platform. 


Who will see my profile and CV information? 

We have a strong philosophy of protecting your privacy.  See Privacy Policy for more detail.

Your CV and skills on your RecruitMyMom candidate portal profile will only be presented to a potential employer if you apply for a position on our website and your CV fits the job specification. We do not include any private contact details until the interview stage. 



A global company can hire South African talent. RecruitMyMom provides global employers with dynamic, cost-efficient hiring solutions tailored to your needs. Our recruitment services include permanent hires, contract roles, independent contractors, remote workers, and virtual assistants. 

Our personalised and solutions-based recruitment service ensures you have access to top talent that fits your business model, all while optimising your budget.

Our recruitment team has deep knowledge of remote workers and virtual assistant recruitment.

Our vast and unique talent base of skilled moms seek out full-time, part-time and flexible hourly work.

If you have a South African registered entity, a global entity can permanently employ South African talent. If not, we can assist you with employing full-time staff via our Employer of Record service. 

Contact us to learn more.


RecruitMyMom services global employers hiring from outside of South Africa.  Our talent base is highly sought-after by employers worldwide.

Global employers should consider hiring remote skilled moms based in South Africa due to the unique blend of benefits they offer.

RecruitMyMom's talent base of skilled mothers brings reliability, exceptional skills and a strong work ethic, making them highly sought-after remote workers by employers worldwide.

Hiring from South Africa also provides cost savings without compromising on quality. The shared time zone with Europe and the ability to converse fluently in English further enhance their suitability for global roles.

Our clients from the USA, UK, Ireland, Canada, the Netherlands, Greece, the Caribbean, Mauritius, Australia, and New Zealand consistently choose South African moms for remote work, recognising their talent and dependability in delivering outstanding results.
