You have heard so much about RecruitMyMom, and you can’t wait to register and start applying for suitable new work opportunities. You excitedly register on www.recruitmymom.co.za, complete the online CV, then visit the job listings page and apply for a job, a few days later you receive a decline notification. Not to be defeated, you revisit the job listings page apply for a job, and receive another decline notification.
Once again, you think “oh well, third time lucky, “and you revisit the job listings page, apply for a job, and receive another decline notification. Now, at this stage, you are beginning to feel confused, disgruntled, frustrated and maybe even angry, but, you are determined, so you try again. You revisit the job listings page apply for a job, and once more receive a decline notification. What is going on? Does anyone actually get a job via RecruitMyMom? One hears all these wonderful stories about Mom’s finding their dream job via RecruitMyMom, but all you are getting are ‘decline’ notifications.
Sound familiar? In many of the cases, the reason why you may be declined for a job is very basic.
The FAQ section on the site and the RecruitMyMom blog is a valuable source of information to make sure that you are presenting yourself in the best possible way when applying for suitable opportunities.
Here are some CV tips to up your chances of success when applying for a job:
Put in the time and do the upfront work to increase your chances of finding that dream job via RecruitMyMom.
Be contactable and up to date: Be sure that your online profile is 100% accurate, complete and up to date. Your email address is correct; your cell phone number is valid and correctly entered. If these contact details change, then update your profile.
Have a professional CV: The RecruitMyMom CV is the only CV that will be used by our Recruitment Managers, and our clients will view that. It is a crucial document where your skills and experience must be promoted. It is thus imperative that they are presented in a professional format.
Spend time: When filling out the online CV template, spend time on it; this is not something that you can rush.
Error-free CV’s: The CV must have no errors, zero tolerance is allowed when it comes to your CV. Make sure every single section is complete and that all information is accurate.
Fully complete CV: Do not leave out “reason for leaving” Recruitment Managers and future employers use this to determine information on you, such as work ethic; loyalty; dedication; etc.
Review and revise: Once you have completed the online process of completing your CV, review and change. It is an excellent idea to get another person to edit, check and revise on your behalf. Download the .pdf version of your CV so that you can see what an employer is seeing. Check all of the following: spelling; upper case / lower case; make sure you have entered the city where you reside and the suburb. Be sure that your employment history has the correct dates (start and end); that your reasons for leaving are clear and professional, and that your duties and responsibilities are listed.
If your CV is unprofessional, it is highly likely that you will lose job opportunities.
Read our guide on how to get hired in 2024.
Together with your perfect RecruitMyMom CV, your motivational email/covering letter is essential to ensuring that your application for a role is considered.
Here are motivational/cover letter tips to up your chances of success when applying for a job:
It’s about you: Put in a great deal of effort to make sure that this letter presents you, your skills and experience in a concise and professional manner.
Make your covering letter stand out in the crowd: Bear in mind when writing this letter that you maybe 1 of 40 applicant letters that the Recruitment Manager is reading, you have to make your application stand out. It is not unheard of for a candidate who has a perfect CV and a brilliant motivational email, even if they don’t have all the right skill set required for the job, to be considered.
Be professional: Be sure to use professional business communication style, correct grammar, spelling, simply put - no errors. Do not include personal stories of hardship and desperation; sell yourself based on your skills.
The format is key: As in all professional correspondence, the format is clear: salutation, introductory paragraph, general body of letter, conclusion. Read our blog for working moms here.
What to include in a covering letter: Top line the letter should include aspects such as: why the role appealing to you; what relevant skills and experience you have (as per the job spec requirements); if relevant why the industry is appealing; explain why you are looking for a new role; say something about yourself (perhaps how you would describe yourself and how others would describe you); explain any gaps in your CV.
How to register as a job seeker on RecruitMyMom
Finding the right job is not always easy, particularly as unemployment rates in South Africa are high. If you are job-hunting via RecruitMyMom and you have a perfect RecruitMyMom CV, with a standout from the crowd motivational letter, your application will be noticed.
Here are eight of the best remote jobs to pursue in 2024.
You are a brand, and you can market yourself in a relevant manner to your dream employer.
We hope we can help you find your dream job. We want to make a difference for you and in the lives of millions of women and children in South Africa. View our latest jobs.