Blog for Moms

  • 10 Tips For Moms Returning To Work
    Whatever the reason for returning to work, albeit the children are getting bigger and there is more free time or the financial pressures are too much for the household, it is essential for you as moms to stay relevant and in-touch on a professional level. When you have been out of work for a while...
  • A story of hope
    At RecruitMyMom we are passionate about making a difference in the lives of women. We want to share this story from one of our candidates that was recently placed into work. It’s a story of hope and encouragement not to give up.   “I’m a mom of six-year-old twins and have been a member of...
  • Saving for a Better Tomorrow
    We all want to retire comfortably, own a comfortable home, and fill it with nice things.  And travel. To do these things you need money and, for most of us that means saving and investing. For some, saving money fits easily into our personality type yet, for the rest of us it takes discipline and...
  • Coping with job loss and how having a good mental attitude will help in the job search
    “I have lost my job and do not know what to do now!” This is something we are hearing every day from job-seekers applying for jobs and we completely understand how emotionally traumatic coping with a job loss can be.  Millions of people have lost their jobs world-wide due to the COVID-19 pandemic...
  • Career Change: Become a Digital Marketer
    Changing careers is not something anyone does hastily. There are a few factors to compute least of all being the longevity of said career and the financial benefits and pitfalls of chasing it. However, digital marketing is one of the newer careers in the tech industry – pivoting off traditional...
  • How to join a video meeting - A guide to the most popular platforms
    It doesn’t matter if you work remotely, work from home or from an office you are probably joining a video meeting more and more often. We have put together a “how to guide” on using the most popular video meeting platforms so that you can get the most out of your meetings or online interviews. How...
  • What to consider when taking on part-time accounting jobs in South Africa
    More and more companies are realising the resource and cost benefits of hiring part-time in South Africa. Similarly, many qualified workers, particularly those with familial obligations, are appreciating the advantages of working part-time. Thanks to the advancements in technology and the advent of...