Blog for Employers

  • What To Look For When Hiring An Excellent Personal Assistant
    Business leaders often rely on their personal assistants (PAs) to help them stay organised and take care of day-to-day tasks. If you plan to hire a PA, there are certain qualities to look for in a good one. After all, the most successful people hire excellent personal assistants they can trust and...
  • Valuable Exit Interview Questions for Employers to Ask
    Conducting exit interviews is a valuable practise that leads to a more informed and responsive organisation. In this article, we aim to explain what an exit interview is, why it is valuable, and some of the best exit interview questions to ask.   What is an exit interview?   An exit interview is a...
  • Avoid These Common Hiring Myths A Guide for Employers
    Common hiring myths lead to costly mistakes and missed opportunities when it comes to hiring the right talent. Thankfully, they are just myths. Hiring the right talent is one of the most critical aspects of a successful business, but also one of the most challenging. This article aims to debunk six...
  • The Hidden Toll of Leadership Stress: Nurturing Your Own Wellness
    Eighty-eight percent of leaders report that work is a primary source of stress in their lives and that having a leadership role increases the level of stress. Leaders find themselves carrying a tremendous amount of stress and responsibility. While it is normal for employers to place an important...
  • Why Balancing Employee Wellness With Productivity Should Be Top Of Mind For Employers
    Balancing the imperatives of business growth with the delicate needs of your workforce is a challenge that demands attention, compassion, and wisdom. In today's fiercely competitive business landscape, leaders are consumed by pursuing productivity and profits. While these are crucial for success,...
  • The advantages of hiring an on-demand, gig or seasonal workforce
    At times in the life of every successful SME (small and medium-sized business), changing needs, growth and expansion call for varying worker skills on a short or medium-term basis, a seasonal workforce. Post-covid, and through The Great Resignation, on-demand skills have become an appealing and...
  • Returnships: Unlocking Talent
    Returnships are short, paid internships for professional women who have had a long career break and are returning to work in mid- to senior-level positions. Talented women can restart their careers by choosing a returnship with an organisation that recognises the value that work experience brings,...
  • Hire a virtual assistant to drive business growth
    With the rise of remote work over the past two years and an increase in the demand of employees for more flexibility, the virtual assistant (VA) industry has increased significantly. VAs are a compelling solution for companies of all sizes and in all industries. Below we discuss why you should...
  • The Power of Working Moms to Boost Profitability
    There is a belief that working moms are less committed to their careers than other employees. It's time to change this antiquated mindset and bias. Mothers successfully manage both their careers and their children and prove to be assets in the workplace. This belief has been challenged by research...
  • The Gig Economy: How Independent Contractors Can Boost Your Business's Efficiency and Flexibility
    The gig economy has become a major disruptor of the traditional employment environment, changing how companies conduct business. The phrase "gig economy" describes a labour market where short-term contracts or freelance work are becoming more common than long-term permanent employment.  Sixty...