Blog for Employers

  • Free Tech Tools That Enhance Collaborative Working
    Pre-Covid, the majority of employees were in-office. During Covid, employees scurried to work remotely. Post-Covid introduced the hybrid working approach. Now that we are well into 2023, businesses are welcoming employees back into the office with a more flexible approach. Tech tools has made this...
  • Nurturing an Inclusive Workforce: Empowering Working Moms
    Given the particular difficulties working moms encounter, the path toward creating a truly diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce bears special significance. It can be difficult to juggle family obligations with professional goals.    Hurdles Faced by Working Moms   Working mothers face...
  • Is Flexible Working The New Employee Benefit?
    Traditionally, employee benefits were medical aid and pension fund contributions. Covid-19 showed the world that productive work can be done from anywhere, and this has evolved as people’s needs and the work landscape have changed. Now that flexible working is fast becoming the norm around the...
  • Ten practical ways to build company culture with remote employees
    Building the right company culture is essential for any business looking to attract top talent and succeed in today's world. However, with the rise of remote work and the global shortage of critical skills, companies face the challenge of building and maintaining their culture with an increasingly...
  • Hire remote workers in South Africa from RecruitMyMom
    If you want to grow your business and hire remote English speaking workers, why not consider using RecruitMyMom in South Africa? A country with excellent colleges, universities and English as the primary language of business. RecruitMyMom is a trusted, award-winning recruitment company with over...
  • The importance and value of networking for women in business
    By Nicole Sykes; Head: Women in Business Niche, FNB Business Over the years, women have made significant strides in the business world, breaking down barriers and challenging stereotypes. However, there is still a long way to go, especially when it comes to women in business taking full advantage...
  • No evidence for gender differences in risk taking study shows
    Despite the common belief that women are risk-averse, research has shown that women are just as likely to take risks as men - they do it in their own way. Therefore, the myth that women are more risk-averse than men is untrue and can also be harmful in perpetuating gender stereotypes that limit...
  • Six ways to build a future-fit workforce
    A future-fit workforce is vital for today's rapidly changing world. Every business needs to prepare for the challenges of tomorrow. From embracing technology and attracting talent to fostering a culture of learning, there are several ways you can build a team equipped to adapt and thrive in the...
  • Are employers back in power?
    Post COVID and the Great Resignation, we saw a swing toward employee power as they resisted going back to the office and sought out flexible or remote working opportunities, leaving traditional work environments in droves. Now, with looming economic instability and global tech layoffs, bosses are...
  • Beyond diversity and inclusion: Why equity is essential for your company's success
    When we talk about diversity and inclusion (D&I), one key concept that's often left out is equity. When diversity, inclusion, and equity go together, your workforce is empowered to do their best to work.   Equity Isn't Synonymous with Equality Workplace Equality means treating everyone the same...