Blog for Employers

  • EdTech: Digital transformation takes the education sector by storm
    Over recent years, the education sector has seen a radical shift towards a more immersive, interactive and collaborative learning approach due to the introduction of instructional tools such as gamification and augmented, virtual or mixed reality experiential learning. Digital transformation in...
  • An On-Demand Solution for Critical Skills Gaps
    Conventional thinking, embedded by decades of strict work practices, dictates that the only way to work is to employ workers permanently and have them sit at a desk in an office from 8 to 5. But the way we work is fast changing, and the rise of the on-demand economy is helping businesses to fill...
  • How to successfully build and maintain company culture with a distributed workforce
    Phillipa Geard interviewed Llewyllen Watson, co-founder of StructureIt, on the topic of how to build a company culture with a distributed workforce. This question is coming up more and more as a distributed workforce is becoming more common.  StructureIt was established in 2006 and has a footprint...
  • How to measure the productivity of a remote team
    Thanks to global lockdowns and COVID-19, remote working is here to stay. Whether working as a fully distributed team or having a hybrid model of both in-office and remote working, how to measure productivity for a remote team is an essential question to answer for any company.  Here are five steps...
  • Indefinite Lay-Off Without Pay?
    As the economic effects of Covid-19 drag on, employers are faced with new questions surrounding the temporary lay-off of employees. Surely lay-off cannot continue forever. So, for how long may employees be laid off? While most employees are by now able to tender their services, businesses may not...
  • Lessons for SME’s on building a distributed team
    If you are considering keeping your workforce remote, you are not alone. Global Workplace Analytics predicts that 25-30% of the workforce will be working-from-home multiple days a week by the end of 2021. There are many lessons to be learned from others who have already taken the step to building...
  • Consultations And Hearings Via Electronic Platforms
    Disciplinary hearings via Skype? Consulting via Zoom? Are such processes allowed? Electronic platforms have become more accessible. The Covid-19 pandemic has alerted us to opportunities that were not obvious before. Does this mean that we may embrace these platforms in labour and employment law...
  • Why hire a Virtual Assistant and what they do
    Why are so many companies globally hiring virtual assistants? What is it that they do that can help your business grow? Why hire a virtual assistant?  Virtual assistants (VA) are a cost and time efficient way to get tasks or projects done. In times of uncertainty as to what the future holds, hiring...
  • COVID-19 Sick leave crisis looming Labourwise
    Businesses are facing an uphill battle with employee attendance due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. Besides being absent from work due to contracting Covid-19, the reasons for absence could be any of a number of things: the employee has symptoms; or has been in close contact with another person...
  • As remote working becomes ingrained in our daily lives, businesses and employees alike are realising that nearly every business and the operational transaction can be done virtually. With studies revealing a 173% increase in remote workers since 2005, it further solidifies the fact that remote...