Blog for Employers

  • Remote working
    Written by Phillipa Geard, CEO of RecruitMyMom. Remote working - should companies continue or not? As millions of employees scramble into remote working since the global COVID-19 outbreak, the question on many employers minds, post-lockdown, will be "do we continue with remote working or not?" In...
  • Parental leave - Employee rights as from 1 January 2020 Labourwise
    What is Parental Leave under South African labour law? This article helps you understand parental leave. Employees are legally entitled to parental leave, adoption leave and commissioning parental leave as from 1 January 2020. This follows a proclamation issued by the President (on 23 December 2019...
  • How to reduce your staffing cost while still growing the business
    You have deadlines to meet and need skilled staff to help you meet the deadline, but you cannot afford the high staffing cost to hire any more permanent staff... what can you do? The solution is easy.... Hire career part-timers. An online agency like RecruitMyMom specialises in matching forward-...
  • Drafting of disciplinary charges
    All too often employers are expected to be technically correct when drafting disciplinary charges. But is this fair to the employer? What if the employee has not been prejudiced? Guidelines Before dismissing an employee for misconduct there has to be an investigation to determine whether there are...
  • Dismissal due to breakdown of trust
    It is the breakdown of the relationship of trust that normally justifies termination of employment in cases of employee misconduct. How serious must that breakdown be? Does the employer have to prove such breakdown of trust to justify dismissal? The relationship of trust is most pertinent in cases...
  • Implementing flexible working practices: Organisational factors
    In the article “Important Factors when implementing Flexible work practices”, we focused on Individual preference such as work style, motivators and value systems and we shared some practical tools and advice on how these foundational and critical elements can be evaluated, measured and applied to...
  • Staffing agility in times of need – the case for independent contractors
    South Africa has some of the most inflexible labour laws in the world. That said, the growing global trend of hiring contracting staff for specific skills is enabling companies to remain agile in their staffing by hiring differently.  Hiring independent contractors in a tough economy enable...
  • Hearsay evidence in the disciplinary and arbitration hearings
    Occasionally a customer or other external party is witness to employee misconduct. It may be necessary for such person to give evidence in disciplinary proceedings. If the employee challenges the outcome of the hearing, such evidence may also be needed in arbitration proceedings. But what if the...
  • Lying about qualifications on a CV could lead to jail time
    The National Qualifications Amendment Bill has recently been passed, and if president Cyril Ramaphosa accepts it, it means that candidates who misrepresent their qualifications on their CV can get jail time. This bill aims to ensure that people are adequately qualified for the positions they apply...
  • Dagga In The Workplace
    People may no longer be prosecuted for cultivating, possessing and using small amounts of dagga for private purposes. But what are the consequences for the workplace? The recent decision of the Constitutional Court in Minister of Justice & Others v Prince & Others to decriminalise the...