Blog Articles

  • Finalists announced for the Fairlady Santam women of the future awards 2019
    The businesswomen who entered the 2019 FAIRLADY Santam Woman of the Future, Rising Star and Social Entrepreneur awards inspired us with their entrepreneurial spirit and their commitment to seeing their brilliant ideas through. It has been tremendously difficult to choose the finalists in each...
  • Implementing flexible working practices: Organisational factors
    In the article “Important Factors when implementing Flexible work practices”, we focused on Individual preference such as work style, motivators and value systems and we shared some practical tools and advice on how these foundational and critical elements can be evaluated, measured and applied to...
  • Hearsay evidence in the disciplinary and arbitration hearings
    Occasionally a customer or other external party is witness to employee misconduct. It may be necessary for such person to give evidence in disciplinary proceedings. If the employee challenges the outcome of the hearing, such evidence may also be needed in arbitration proceedings. But what if the...
  • Lying about qualifications on a CV could lead to jail time
    The National Qualifications Amendment Bill has recently been passed, and if president Cyril Ramaphosa accepts it, it means that candidates who misrepresent their qualifications on their CV can get jail time. This bill aims to ensure that people are adequately qualified for the positions they apply...
  • Dagga In The Workplace
    People may no longer be prosecuted for cultivating, possessing and using small amounts of dagga for private purposes. But what are the consequences for the workplace? The recent decision of the Constitutional Court in Minister of Justice & Others v Prince & Others to decriminalise the...
  • Why Hiring Graduates will Grow Your Business
    Hiring graduates in these uncertain times can seem like a daunting thought. Particularly when your company does not have a fully-fledged graduate programme like large corporates.   However, as a business owner, you know that it is only those who dare to be brave and step out to take a risk that are...
  • RecruitMyMom 2017 Survey eBook
    In 2017 we conducted this survey to better understand how companies might attract and retain top women talent into senior positions of leadership, particularly through the child rearing years.  Read this ebook below to see what 1045 SA women with children had to say.  
  • Labourwise_Parental_Adoption_Materity
    Updated 10 June 2019 On 23 November 2018, President Ramaphosa signed the Labour Laws Amendment Act of 2018 into law. The Act covers the new provisions regarding parental, adoption and commissioning parental leave in terms of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act. It also deals with certain changes...
  • Why trust and competence are not the most important factors when implementing flexible work practices. In the article Essential Success Elements To Implementing Flexible Work Arrangements In The Work Place we presented the argument that, when one starts taking the first courageous steps to...
  • Job Creator of the Year
    We are very proud of our CEO, Phillipa Geard, who won the category award, Job Creator of the Year®, of the prestige Entrepreneur of the Year® award.  The Entrepreneur of the Year® competition sponsored by Sanlam and BUSINESS/PARTNERS is an annual competition that recognises and honours successful...